20 Link-Building Tactics that Work in 2024

Link Building

What is Link-building in SEO?

What is Link-building in SEO?

Link building is primarily a systematic strategy that involves acquiring hyperlinks or backlinks from other websites to your own. These backlinks serve as endorsements, indicating that your site is trustworthy and significant to search engines.

Essentially, they serve as interconnections that guide users through the vast Internet world. Understanding and adopting various link-building techniques can help your websites increase their authority and boost visibility and, as a result, search engine ranks.

In the complex world of SEO, link-building acts as a guide, organizing the connections that contribute to a website’s overall presence and influence, leading to your website’s ranking on search engines.

Significance of Link-building in SEO

The value of link-building is present in the depths of SEO. Backlinks are an important factor in building a website’s legitimacy and relevancy, according to search engines led by the most popular search engine, Google.

It’s similar to a digital vote of confidence: when trustworthy websites connect or link to a specific page, search engines take it as an endorsement, which boosts the page’s or sometimes the whole website’s rating in search results.

However, the benefits go way beyond rankings; link building greatly improves the user experience, allowing for easy browsing through relevant information and making online surfing worthwhile.

In a digital age where competition for attention is at its peak, efficient link-building has become a strategic weapon for those who want their websites to survive and prosper in SEO. If you are one of them, link-building is a skill you must know about.

Top 20 Link-building Tactics that Work in 2024

Link Building

1. Guest Posting

Guest posting is a complex method not simply about publishing content for other websites. The key to success is planning and execution. You must create content related to the host website’s audience and tone. Create unique, informative, and engaging material that adds value.

Make sure that the material is consistent with the host site’s themes. Also, when searching for websites to guest post on, focus on quality above quantity. Always look for outlets with high domain authority and loyal readers.

2. Broken Link Building

Finding and fixing broken links is only one part of utilizing broken link opportunities. It takes a deep plan to provide value to users and website owners. Check My Links, Ahrefs, and Screaming Frog are all good tools for detecting broken links; you can use them.

Find broken links on authoritative websites in your niche. Make a good and small list of broken link opportunities. Create targeted outreach emails that shed light on the broken link and offer your content as a solution.

3. Influencer Marketing/Collaboration

Influencer Marketing

Collaborating with influencers can be a very powerful tactic, but it requires a serious approach to ensure long-term success. First, you must identify key influencers in your industry and engage with their content on social media. Always provide value before making a partnership by sharing their content.

Building true partnerships is significant for effective influencer collaboration. You must attend industry gatherings, forums, and influencer marketing platforms. Use your contacts to get introductions to influencers.

4. Resource Link Building

Creating high-quality content on your website is a key method for attracting backlinks from other sites on yours. Create detailed tutorials or research papers that solve industry issues. Make sure the content is thorough and easy to understand.

Use images, infographics, and multimedia to increase user engagement. Determine which websites could benefit from yours and correlate with your content. Create outreach emails that showcase the value your content offers.

5. Internal Linking

Internal linking is more than just navigation; it’s a strategic SEO tactic that must be carefully planned for the best outcomes. Use descriptive text to set the context for the linked page. To assist customers in browsing your site logically, ensure that linked pages are relevant.

Create a logical site structure that is simple for users and search engines to understand. Include target keywords in the text to show the content’s relevance. Use a variety of texts to avoid over-optimization and always encourage natural linking.

6. Schema Markup for Rich Snippets

Schema markup increases your website’s visibility in search results by providing context through rich snippets. You can implement schema for various content types, such as articles, products, events, and reviews.

Use data testing tools to ensure that schema markup is correctly implemented. Keep up with schema.org for new markup opportunities to improve your content. Try to analyze click-through rate (CTR) data for sites with schema markup.

7. Interactive Content

Quizzes, infographics, and interactive tools are all examples of interactive content that not only engages readers but also has a high probability of generating backlinks. So, create interactive tools that solve specific problems or provide relevant insights.

Make sure your quizzes and interactive content are appropriate for your target audience. Optimize the user experience to encourage sharing via social media and other channels. Share your interactive content on social media to increase visibility and website traffic.

8. Competitor Backlink Analysis


Analyzing your competitors’ backlink profiles is a strategic technique to identify link-building possibilities and enhance yours. Select key competitors in your industry for a detailed lookup. Gather competitor backlink data using SEO tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush.

Consider both direct competitors and websites with a similar target audience. With this, evaluate the number and quality of backlinks to your competitors’ websites. Identify trends like shared connecting domains or effective link-building strategies.

9. Skyscraper Technique

The Skyscraper Technique includes identifying high-performing information in your business, creating more valuable content, and then contacting websites that link to the original content and requesting that they link to your version.

Conduct thorough research to identify content that has earned significant attention and backlinks in your niche. Choose topics that are relevant to your knowledge and offer room for improvement.

10. Testimonials and Reviews

Giving testimonials or evaluations for products or services you have used isn’t just a nice gesture and a solid link-building technique. Choose products or services that are both niche-specific and relevant to your targeted audience.

Prioritize offerings from reliable businesses with a strong online presence. Make sure your testimonials provide accurate and useful feedback. Create detailed testimonials that showcase the product or service’s unique features.

11. Content Syndication

Syndicating your content on sites other than your website is a nice way to broaden your reach and form various backlinks. Do research to identify well-known journals in your industry.

Choose outlets that tend to your target market and have many readers. Check each platform’s syndication regulations to ensure they align with your goals. Adapt your content to each platform’s formatting standards and preferences.

12. HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

Participating in places like HARO allows you to respond to media questions and showcase yourself as an industry expert. Monitor HARO regularly for questions about your industry. Create email notifications to receive updates on new opportunities.

Act quickly, as journalists frequently have tight deadlines for gathering information. Make detailed and informative comments that directly address the journalist’s inquiry. Showcase your expertise by sharing unique perspectives, data, or case studies. This will, in turn, generate backlinks for you.

13. Podcast Guest Appearances

Link Building

As a guest on industry-related podcasts, you can share insights, reach new audiences, and earn backlinks when shows include links to your website in their notes.

Look for podcasts in your industry that discuss issues relevant to your area. Consider podcasts with a huge and engaged audience for ample effect. Prioritize podcasts with show notes and links to guest websites.

14. Forums Participation

Active participation in forums and online communities within your niche helps you gain authority and results in natural backlinks when you offer valuable ideas. Research about which forums or online communities your target audience frequently visits. Join forums related to your industry.

Evaluate the community’s level of engagement and ensure that it aligns with your goals. Participate in discussions by offering relevant perspectives, answering questions, and sharing personal experiences.

15. Scholarship Programs

Creating a scholarship program and reaching out to educational institutions for marketing will result in backlinks from universities and colleges that feature your scholarship on their websites.

Create a scholarship program that aligns with your brand’s values and appeals to your target audience. Ensure the scholarship criteria are clear, important, and relevant to your industry. Also, consider collaborating with educational specialists to prove the credibility of your program.

16. Local Citations

Local citations are especially significant for businesses with a local presence because they help with local SEO and collecting related backlinks. Maintain consistent and accurate business information throughout local listings and review websites.

Ensure that your company’s name, address, phone number, and website URL are the same across all platforms. Inconsistencies can mislead search engines and reduce your local search ranking.

17. Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking includes sharing your information with services dedicated to categorizing web content, which allows for backlink building and increased visibility. Identify popular social bookmarking websites such as Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Digg.

Choose outlets related to your content and target audience to maximize engagement. Ensure your submissions align with the platform’s guidelines and community regulations. Create unique and informative headlines that capture your readers’ attention.

18. Images and Infographics

Creating visually appealing content, such as images or infographics, and sharing it on networks like Pinterest or infographic directories will help you earn significant backlinks.

Invest in high-quality photographs that are relevant to your expertise. You will also have to create visually engaging infographics to help communicate concepts. Make images more accessible and SEO-friendly by employing descriptive filenames and alternative text.

19. Expert Roundup Participation

Contributing to expert roundups in your area of expertise places you with other authorities, frequently resulting in website backlinks.

Identify ways to connect with other professionals in your niche. Engage with their content, contribute insights, and join discussions. Building contacts with other professionals will certainly result in invites to expert roundtables, resulting in backlinks.

20. Podcast Transcriptions

Transcribing podcasts and publishing the written content on your website improves accessibility,  also allowing for keyword optimization and backlinks. Transcribe audio episodes to create text content that your website can search for.

Use relevant keywords, topics, and timestamps to improve your website’s search engine ranking. Optimize the transcription for readability and engagement. Provide transcriptions as a resource for your podcast listeners.


In the SEO world, link-building is more than just a term; it is a complex process that makes a website’s digital presence. As we step into 2024, we must understand the basics of link-building and the strategies that will help in the future of SEO. From old processes to new tactics, the link-building environment offers many opportunities for websites seeking visibility and ranking in search engine results. Effective link-building is a complex task that requires understanding industry dynamics and user behavior and improving search engine algorithms. Websites can greatly boost their SEO by combining such strategies while keeping up with ongoing trends. So, what are you waiting for? Write your next big SEO content now by following the strategies provided in this article. Cheers!

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